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Arizona Max Bond Glue 20G

Arizona Max Bond Glue 20G
Pris ved 1Stk 147,50 DKK

595På lager Lev. 1-2 dage
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AAE Max Bond Glue is specifically formulated for the Arizona Plastifletch Max and Max Hunter vanes.  This glue also works well with Elite Plastifletch and most other plastic vanes. 
Max Bond is a high-viscosity liguid that is easy to work with and penetrates well when using the tough Elastimax material.  Whether you are fletching carbon or aluminum, this is the toughest glue available.

• Specifically formulated for AAE vanes made in Elastimax material.

• For nocks and vanes.

• High viscosity for easy and precise application.

• Also suitable for other plastic vane types.

• Incredibly tough.

• Suitable for aluminium and carbon shafts.

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