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Bohning AR1000 2.8" Atlas fane - 25 stk.

Bohning AR1000 2.8" Atlas fane - 25 stk.
Pris ved 1Stk 65,00 DKK

Bohning’s AR1000 Material is Bohning’s original vane material that provides for excellent adhesion and durability, while being extremely forgiving for any potential contact. 

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The Atlas vane by Bohning is a design that combines maximum forgiveness with excellent rotational torque.  The Atlas profile has an advanced Torque Apex, which is the position on the vane providing peak rotational torque, combined with a gradual taper to the tail of the vane which creates the optimal balance of spin and stealth. At the rear of the vane, you will see a contoured tail which minimizes vane flutter. Less vane flutter reduces noise and helps retain speed. The low profile allows clearance on even the tightest set-ups.

The vanes are pre-primed and do not require vane cleaning or pen primers.  For our most durable and flexible adhesion, Bohning suggests using Fletch-Tite Platinum

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