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Easton Avance sport pil, 1 stk.

Easton Avance sport pil, 1 stk.
Pris ved 1Stk 89,00 DKK

Pris ved 6Stk 85,00 DKK

Vælg spine
1718På lager Lev. 2-3 dage
Om produktet
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Easton’s  Avance Sport 4MM arrows are an all-carbon target arrow intended to fit in the middle of the outdoor target archery market.
  • The Avance Sport carries a +/- .006” straight spec.
  • Weight Tolerance: +/- 1 grain
  • Ideal for novice level archers looking for lightweight performance in a less expensive arrow.
  • The Avance series is available in a wide selection of spine sizes that cover tuning ranges for recurve and compound archers over a broad range of bow styles, draw lengths and poundages.
  •  The durable, all-carbon construction of the Avance nets an arrow that is lighter than previous Easton offerings.
  • Arrows nocked with Easton G-Nock and fletched with 2.3 Diamond Vanes
  • comes with points loose

Easton Avance Sport er monteret med 2.3 Diamond faner og Easton G-Nock.
Spidser er ikke monteret, så der mulighed for at korte dem af.

Følgende spidser følger med:
100-120 grains til spine 340 - 500.
90-110 grains til spine 550 - 730.
70-90 grains til spine 810 -1150.
60-80 grains til spine 1400 - 2000.

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